
Germany Trade & Invest obout SIM Gdynia


Export Industrial Power

As SIM Gdynia, we are proud of our prominent role in the international industrial arena, as recognized by Germany Trade & Invest. We specialize in advanced CNC technology and component manufacturing for various industries. Our impressive export capacity, with about 80% of our products going abroad, a significant portion of which goes to Germany, is a testament to our close and fruitful business relationship with the country.

Export Success

The Germany Trade & Invest website published a detailed article in which our President, Anna Szczypek, talks in detail about SIM Gdynia’s activities in foreign markets. In her remarks, Ms. President emphasizes the strategic importance of exports for our company, and discusses specific activities and strategies that contribute to our international success. This is an excellent opportunity to understand the dynamics and scope of SIM Gdynia’s activities in global markets and to appreciate the impact we have on the Polish economy, especially in the context of cooperation with Germany.

Unique Look

The article, available on the Germany Trade & Invest website, provides valuable information about our development and impact on the international industrial market. It provides unique insight into our export strategies and the importance of building strong trade relations. We encourage you to read the full text on the Germany Trade & Invest website to get a complete picture of our activities and impact on the global market.